Published Titles
At the heart of JumpTrak is is the integrated cycle of continued learning.

Assessments, historical data, and course material integrate to build a SMART learning ecosystem to navigate students to mastery of their subject material.
Why JumpTrak?
Learning has changed forever.
And that was well-before COVID-19. The Coronavirus has simply illuminated the gaps in our current systems and teaching methods as well as the glaring equity gap in both the quality and accessibility of relevant learning for all.
JumpTrak was born to deliver next-generation learning methodologies and to provide an inclusive virtual learning campus.
Designed from the ground up as a digital education ecosystem, JumpTrak is so much more than an LMS. This is an adaptive quality learning environment for students, teachers, institutions, publishers, tutors and parents – with learning rather than administration at its core.
JumpTrak’s key differentiators are:
- A rich examination & assignment tool kit with formal summative and formative assessments,
- Assessment controls for timing, randomisation, topic grading, retries and minimum pass rates
- Simple and free-text responses, assignments, rubrics and taxonomies
- Structured curricula with topics mapped to study material and assessment items
- Adaptive navigation paths informed by topic progress from one or a cohort of students
Paths of learning adapt to a child’s progress, boosting learner confidence. Jumptrak guides them to mastery via data-driven analysis of their responses which are benchmarked against a rich comparative database of anonymised results.
JumpTrak has a robust diagnostic editor to create tools for a detailed evaluation of learner topic and skill levels. Coupled with a growing catalogue of graded benchmarks, these serve to inform teacher interventions and to report on progress to all stakeholders.
A learner progress dashboard gives immediate feedback to the student. Student self-configured targets illuminate their library with progress indicators throughout their subject matter. Areas for improvement are highlighted for revision and aligned content is accessible from the JumpTrak Community Catalogues. All internal and public catalogues can be rated for relevance. Learners have more control of their own learning experience and with it, the joy of learning, as they witness their own progress.
Publishers, content writers, institutions and private individuals can publish their titles to the Catalogue. The JumpTrak publishing team will gladly deploy your content. Alternatively, you can author your own content via the JumpTrak Editor’s Suite of game editors, book authoring editors, media servers, assessment wizards and curricula topic graders to turn your simple ebook into a vibrant adaptive learning experience.
All publications can be made accessible for public distribution and sale or purely for your own private distribution network. JumpTrak’s secure entitlement servers will restrict access to all material, personal information and data to only those with the appropriate authorisation.
JumpTrak is not a learning system. It’s an adaptive ecosystem of easy-to-use web and mobile applications for a rich learning environment.
Don’t just learn.
Learn Brighter.
Examination and Assignments (E&A)
With over 240, 000 students submitting 4 000 000 responses across 120,000 assessments each year, the JumpTrak E&A platform allow institutions to invigilate their students with a wide range of assessment and examination options.